Distribution Equipment Consumer Units

18th Ed. Consumer units:

Tested to meet the requirements of 536.4.201 - Icc 16kA / 230v as per BSEN 61439-3 Annex ZB. Refer to the installation instructions.

SPD Selection:

Where SPDs are required please refer to 534 4 8 and the SPD Manufacturer's installation instructions. Installing Type 1 SPDs in a consumer unit is difficult - see cabling requirements covered in 534.4.8 Et 10.

*Note : SPDs are passive devices and do not add to the heat rise in the enclosure i.e. they only take up space that has been assigned / tested with Doepke components in situ. Leave 0.5 module space between the SPD and adjacent components to prevent direct heat.

Consumer units accessories Technical data Download this page - pdf

  • Adaptable and compact for renewable energy installations
  • Heat pump consumer units c/w HP Type B RCCB
  • Versions available including Type A, F and B
  • For other combinations please contact us

We recommend the use of good quality SPD devices e.g. DEHN

Order Doepke MCBs/RCBOs separately - Please refer to the web page links:

MCBs 6kA - Rated for conditional short-circuit current < 16kA as per CU installation instructions

RCBOs 10kA - Rated for conditional short -circuit current < 16kA as per CU installation instructions

Basic Consumer units ordering reference see below:

Product Standard: BSEN61439-3
Independent short circuit tests to Annex ZB

Heat pump consumer unit with 63A Type A + 40A HP Type B RCCB

Split Load - Dual RCCB Type A & B
for Heat pump Installations - see notes opposite
Refer to Technical Data for additional information
     Main         RCCB 1       RCCB 2      Usable
      Sw.           Type A        Type B*         Ways                  Reference
   100A         63A       40A HP        8       DCM 08SL/063/040HP
   100A         63A       40A BSK     12     DCM 12SL/063/040BSK

* Type B HP < 150 kHz detection range suitable for most HPs					
* Type B SK < 150 kHz detection range for large commercial HPs

For further details refer to Technical Publication 32
Heat Pump Installation - Electrical supply
RCCB 1 (Type A)
Ancillary pumps (single speed)
Other devices associated with the Heat Pump installation

RCCB 2 (Type B)
Main Heat Pump (variable speed inverter supply)

Order MCBs separately - rated for the individual circuits / loads.

Heat Pump Consumer Units Brochure

Split Load - Single RCCB 30mA Type B
for Heat Pump Installations
Refer to Technical Data for additional information
     Main              RCCB 1                Usable
      Sw.                Type A                 Ways                   Reference
   100A         40A HP               6             DCM 06SL/040HP
   100A         40A BSK            6             DCM 06SL/040BSK   

* Type B HP < 150 kHz detection range suitable for most HPs					
* Type B SK < 150 kHz detection range for large commercial HPs

For further details refer to Technical Publication 32

Split Load - Dual RCCB Type A
Refer to Technical Data for additional information
     Main         RCCB 1       RCCB 2     Usable
      Sw.           Type A        Type A       Ways                     Reference
   100A         63A           63A        8         DCM 08SL/063/063
   100A         63A           63A      12         DCM 12SL/063/063
   100A         63A           63A      18         DCM 18SL/063/063
   100A         63A           63A      22         DCM 22SL/063/063

DCM 08 SL to DCM 18 SL are single row enclosures

DCM 22 has a double row enclosure
1st row 10 usable ways
2nd row 12 usable ways

DCM 08SL/063/063

Split Load - Dual RCCB Type A & F
Refer to Technical Data for additional information
     Main         RCCB 1       RCCB 2     Usable
      Sw.           Type A        Type F       Ways                     Reference
   100A         63A           63A        8         DCM 08SL/063/063-A/F
   100A         63A           63A      12         DCM 12SL/063/063-A/F

DCM 22SL/063/063

Split Load - Single RCCB Type A
Refer to Technical Data for additional information
     Main              RCCB 1                   Usable
      Sw.                Type A                    Ways                   Reference
   100A         63A 30mA              6             DCM 06SL/063
   100A         63A 30mA            10             DCM 10SL/063
   100A         63A 30mA            14             DCM 14SL/063  

RCCB Type A as main switch
Refer to Technical Data for additional information
        RCCB 1                      Usable
          Type A                       Ways                               Reference
    63A 30mA                  4                         DCMR 04/063
    63A 30mA                  8                         DCMR 08/063
  100A 30mA                  4                         DCMR 04/100
  100A 30mA                  8                         DCMR 08/100
  100A 30mA                 12                        DCMR 12/100
  100A 30mA                 16                        DCMR 16/100
  100A 30mA                 22                        DCMR 22/100
  100A 30mA                 26                        DCMR 26/100

RCBO board supplied with Main Switch
Refer to Technical Data for additional information
     Main                          Usable
      Sw.                            Ways                                   Reference
   100A                        4                                 DCM04
   100A                        8                                 DCM08
   100A                       12                                DCM12
   100A                       16                                DCM16
   100A                       22                                DCM22
   100A                       26                                DCM26